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Hotel Ucciardhome Palermo

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By car
After leaving the Catania-Palermo motorway, take Viale Regione Siciliana in a North-West direction. Cross over Piazza Einstein and carry on down Viale Leonardo da Vinci. Turn right into Via Migliaccio and then left into Via Campolo. Carry on down Via Giovanni Battista Lulli and then turn left into Via Malaspina. Turn right into Via Notarbartolo and then into Via Duca della Verdura. Turn into Piazza Carlo Giachery and then right into Via Albanese. The hotel is at number 34.

By plane
To reach the hotel from Palermo's "Giovanni Falcone" Airport, you can book our pick up service, take a taxi or use public transport. The shuttle bus will take you close to Piazza Crispi (also known as "Piazza Croci"): from there, go on foot to Via Borrelli, turn right into Vicolo Ucciardone and then left into Via Enrico Albanese where you will find the hotel at number 34.

By train
From the Central station you can get to Hotel Ucciardhome by taxi or by public transport, taking the bus toPiazzaCrispi.

By ferry
From Palermo Harbor you can get to the hotel on foot in about 5 minutes. From Via Crispi turn into Piazza Ucciardone and then turn left into Via Enrico Albanese. The hotel is at n° 34.

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Hotel Ucciardhome, Via Enrico Albanese, 34 - Palermo

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